Monday, January 26, 2015

Atelier Meruru Plus The Apprentice of Arland Is Coming; Have An English Trailer

Atelier Meruru Plus: The Apprentice of Arland is headed to the West, and Tecmo Koei brought the game to E3 along with a new trailer containing English-language footage and the theme song. Watch the trailer below:

Atelier Meruru: The Alchemist of Arland will be available this September.
Atelier Meruru Plus: The Apprentice of Arland Is Coming; Have An English Trailer

Read more stories about Atelier Meruru Plus & PlayStation Vita & Videos on Siliconera.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

RUMOR Sony to Unveil Virtual Reality Headset for PlayStation 4 at TGS

(Featured image credit: CVG)

Sony will reveal a virtual reality headset for the PlayStation 4 this year at the Tokyo Game Show, gaming website CVG has reported.

CVG wrote that the reveal will be 'the final piece of [Sony's] PS4 hardware strategy.' According to the site, Sony had the headset ready to be shown during Gamescom in Cologne, Germany, in late August, but plans were changed at the last minute. The device will be marketed as a direct competitor to the Oculus Rift.

Development for the device is already under way, CVG reported. An anonymous developer told the site that Evolution Studios is working with the headset to create a cockpit simulation for Drive Club.

The Tokyo Game Show will begin on September 19.

Source: CVG

headsets, playstation 4, Rumor, tgs, tokyo game show, Virtual Reality

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

monster hunter 4 's latest trailer shows the new shark dragon in action

Earlier today, we got a double-dose of two upcoming 3DS Capcom titles in Monster Hunter 4 and Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies in a Japan-only Nintendo Direct. Series producer, Ryozo Tsujimoto made a guest appearance to present the latest trailer, where we got a good look at some recently introduced monsters and the new Frozen Sea area.

The trailer starts out with a Hunter encountering the new insect monster called Alceltas (which gets devoured by a much larger insect monster later.) In the Frozen Sea area, we see plenty of shark-like creatures with legs called Squagills.

Monster Hunter 4s Latest Trailer Shows The New Shark Dragon In ActionMonster Hunter 4s Latest Trailer Shows The New Shark Dragon In Action

Things don’t look too bad, until what looks to be a much larger version of the Squagill appears from under water. Oh, it can also run and shoot jet streams from its mouth, that would make even the Plesioth jealous. It even does its best Nibelsnarf impersonation by chomping down on the poor Hunter.

Monster Hunter 4s Latest Trailer Shows The New Shark Dragon In Action Monster Hunter 4s Latest Trailer Shows The New Shark Dragon In Action

Monster Hunter 4s Latest Trailer Shows The New Shark Dragon In Action

For the first time in the series, Hunters will be traveling around different villages with a traveling caravan. Halfway through the trailer, what looks to be a resort island full of Felynes is shown. It also shows farming features we’ve seen in previous Monster Hunter games, such as fishing, voyaging and training Felynes.

Monster Hunter 4s Latest Trailer Shows The New Shark Dragon In Action

It wouldn’t be a Monster Hunter trailer without an extra something at the very end. This time, we got a glimpse of what looks like a new dragon with giant wings. Could it be a new Elder Dragon?

As reported earlier, Capcom and Nintendo are preparing limited edition 3DS XL systems with Monster Hunter 4 themes called Goa Magara Black and Felyne White, which can be seen here. Tsujimoto also mentioned in the Nintendo Direct that they’ll be revealing new online features in the near future, along with a closer look at the Charge Axe weapon during a Capcom event this weekend.

Monster Hunter 4 will be slated for release on September 14th, for 5,990 yen on Nintendo 3DS.

Read more stories about Monster Hunter 4 & Nintendo 3DS & Videos on Siliconera.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Pairing Up Characters Will Be a Big Part Of Battles In The Next Legend Of Heroes

Pairing Up Characters Will Be a Big Part Of Battles In The Next Legend Of Heroes

We got a glimpse of the battle system from The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Flash a couple months ago, that showed bit of its command based battle. Falcom introduces a new feature that will involve pairing up partners for tag attacks and support, and by the looks of it, the combat interface seems to have changed, too.


Pairing Up Characters Will Be a Big Part Of Battles In The Next Legend Of Heroes

Similar to previous Legend of Heroes games,' The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Flash will utilize the AT (Action Time) battle system, that indicates ally and enemy character turns on the AT bar displayed on the left part of the screen. The AT bar also shows bonus stats, such as HP and Critical Up, that can be gained through various actions.


Pairing Up Characters Will Be a Big Part Of Battles In The Next Legend Of Heroes

The AT battle system will be the foundation of the fights, but it will also have some new features such as the “Tactic Link Function” or T-Link. In the T-Link menu, you’ll be able to link your party members together, which will allow them to cooperate and help each other out with resonant combo attacks. It will also have other added bonus effects such as speed and regenerative effects.


Pairing Up Characters Will Be a Big Part Of Battles In The Next Legend Of Heroes'Pairing Up Characters Will Be a Big Part Of Battles In The Next Legend Of Heroes

Here’s a look at how the Link Attacks will work. The moment you select one of your party members to go for an attack, you’ll have a chance to perform cooperative attacks with their linked partners.


Pairing Up Characters Will Be a Big Part Of Battles In The Next Legend Of Heroes Pairing Up Characters Will Be a Big Part Of Battles In The Next Legend Of Heroes

Once you get it, you’ll then be prompted to enter “Burst”, “Rush” and “Pursuit” Link Attacks. Furthermore, linked partners will have the ability to reinforce and cover each other. Their abilities also become stronger with the bond shared between the two characters. You’ll be free to choose which characters to link, but the relationship between them will be up to you.


The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Flash comes out in Japan on September 26 for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita.

Read more stories about PlayStation 3 & PlayStation Vita & The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Flash on Siliconera.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Skullgirls PC Beta Now Available To Backers

Skullgirls PC Beta Now Available To Backers

Fans that contributed to Skullgirls’ crowdfunding campaign on IndieGoGo can now access a beta build of the game’s PC version, Lab Zero Games have announced.

If you backed Skullgirls, check your Humble Bundle page to claim your Steam key for the game, and you can begin downloading it thereafter. Included in the beta is the first of Skullgirls’ new characters, Squigly.

Read more stories about PC & Skullgirls on Siliconera.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

New Injustice Gods Among Us Skins for Three Lovely Ladies

NetherRealm Studios has released a trailer for the new Ame Comi skins that are available for Catwoman, Harley Quinn and Wonder Woman.

The skin pack is now available for both the PSN and Xbox Live marketplace. Check out the cat fight trailer below:

Injustice: Gods Among Us, netherrealm studios, skins, Trailer

Monday, January 5, 2015

monster hunter 4 's third village is a peaceful island full of felynes

Monster Hunter 4s Third Village Is A Peaceful Island Full Of Felynes

Hunters are going to have it pretty rough in Monster Hunter 4, as Capcom recently introduced fearsome enemies such as the giant amphibious shark-like Zaboazagill found at the new Frozen Sea map. Capcom’s next update, however, gives us a look at a new resort-like island as the game’s third village, which looks like the perfect place for beat-up Hunters to take it easy.

Monster Hunter 4s Third Village Is A Peaceful Island Full Of Felynes Monster Hunter 4s Third Village Is A Peaceful Island Full Of Felynes

Monster Hunter 4s Third Village Is A Peaceful Island Full Of Felynes Monster Hunter 4s Third Village Is A Peaceful Island Full Of Felynes

Monster Hunter 4 will be bringing back the Felyne equipment feature which was available in Monster Hunter Portable 3rd for PSP in Japan. By visiting the blacksmith,  you’ll get to make various equipment such as weapons, head gear and body armor for your Felynes. The headgear will give your Felyne characteristic traits on what type of monsters they’ll attack, such as small or large monsters.

Monster Hunter 4s Third Village Is A Peaceful Island Full Of Felynes

Monster Hunter 4s Third Village Is A Peaceful Island Full Of Felynes Monster Hunter 4s Third Village Is A Peaceful Island Full Of Felynes

We’ve already seen two of Monster Hunter 4’s towns—the trading commerce, Barubare, where many travelers and hunters around the world gather, and Naguri Village, a place that is surrounded by molting lava, ideal for any blacksmith. The third area is called Chico Village, and unlike the previous two, it’s a small and calm area surrounded by the sea.

Monster Hunter 4s Third Village Is A Peaceful Island Full Of Felynes Monster Hunter 4s Third Village Is A Peaceful Island Full Of Felynes

Monster Hunter 4s Third Village Is A Peaceful Island Full Of Felynes

The village elder is an old lady of the Wyvernian race. She spends her time happily living on the island with Felynes, who call her the “Cat Granny”. Chico Village rarely sees any visitors, and it is said that the only ones living there are the Felynes and the elder.

Monster Hunter 4s Third Village Is A Peaceful Island Full Of Felynes

PocaPoca Island is a small island next to Chico Village. This island has many features that are similar to what was available on farms in previous Monster Hunter games.

Monster Hunter 4s Third Village Is A Peaceful Island Full Of Felynes

The manager Felyne will be taking care of you on PocaPoca Island. The Felynes on the island seem troubled by a recent sighting of nearby large monsters, so they’ve been making efforts to find heroic Felynes. Their plan is to make the island a paradise that is flowing with Felynes of all kinds.

Monster Hunter 4s Third Village Is A Peaceful Island Full Of Felynes Monster Hunter 4s Third Village Is A Peaceful Island Full Of Felynes

For example, you can send out the “Mon Nyan” Felyne crew off on quests and they’ll return with items that are needed to make Felyne equipment. There are three different routes of near, normal and far quest routes, with the further quests being tougher but more rewarding. You’ll need to equip food for them, which has a maximum of three slots and depletes as they go on quests.

Monster Hunter 4s Third Village Is A Peaceful Island Full Of Felynes

The max amount of Felynes you can send on quests is five, and you’ll also have to take their skill types into consideration. For the first time, you’ll actually be participating in the Felyne quests by pressing the touch screen to activate their skills, however, you’ll also have to keep in mind which skills to use, as they can also back fire on you if not used properly.

Monster Hunter 4s Third Village Is A Peaceful Island Full Of Felynes

Finally, here’s a look at the new fishing machine that is available on PocaPoca Island. It requires Felynes and stock to use. It may seem easy to use, but it can be quite tricky, as the goal is to aim for an area that has more fish. If the fish move during the last second before you shoot, you’ll end up with a rather poor catch. There are also Felynes who specialize in fishing, making them a great boost for this feature.

Monster Hunter 4 will be slated for release on September 14th, for 5,990 yen on Nintendo 3DS.

Read more stories about Monster Hunter 4 & Nintendo 3DS & Screenshots on Siliconera.